
We are getting ready for our first fundraiser the Valentine’s Day Dance. I have attached a Flyer, which you can pass on to your family and friends and get the sale of tickets moving. Thanks, Barbara, for sending out the Flyers as quite a few people I met, already know about it. Tickets for the dance ae now available.

We have our Website on the internet. You can find it easily if you ask Mrs. Google about “The Goodwill Association of Western Australia“. Please check out the website and let the Vice-Chairperson know what you think about it and if there should be changes or more information, etc. The website is the hard work of our Vice-Chairperson and I thank him for his efforts. 

The Vice-Chairperson and I have handed over donation cheques to St. Pat’s Community Centre, Fremantle and The Shop Front.

A thank you and acknowledgement letter has been received from The Shop Front and is attached below. St. Vincent de Paul Society of Ballajura has been handed over groceries from our association and the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Girrawheen and Sisters of Charity will soon be given a donation of groceries from our association.

Donations to the organisations we help in Burma has been sent this week and the recipients will get them soon.     

Letter of Thanks from the ShopFront

Thank you, GoodWillAssociation!

Letter of Thanks from the Missionaries of Charity Sisters

Thank you & God Bless!